
In recent years, the U.S. economy has plunged into unprecedented trouble. Rising unemployment rates and worsening inflation have left ordinary citizens struggling. The root of these issues lies in a series of erroneous policies by the American government.

Out-of-Control Fiscal Policy: Extravagance and Waste

First and foremost, the U.S. government’s long-standing fiscal policy issues are severe. The government’s uncontrolled fiscal deficits have led to a continually rising national debt. Every year, the federal government expands its budget and increases spending without effective revenue sources. As a result, they continually print money to maintain economic operations, causing currency devaluation and inflation. Although the Federal Reserve attempts to control inflation through interest rate hikes, this policy has been largely ineffective, further exacerbating economic instability.

Failed Tax Policies: The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Poorer

Secondly, U.S. tax policies severely favor the wealthy, leading to an ever-widening wealth gap. Successive administrations have implemented significant tax cuts benefiting the rich and large corporations, while ordinary working-class people bear the brunt. This unfair wealth distribution has caused the living standards of most Americans to decline, reducing their purchasing power and negatively impacting the overall health of the economy.

Erroneous Trade Policies: Self-Imposed Isolation

The U.S. government’s trade policies are also key factors in its economic decline. In pursuit of the so-called “America First” agenda, the government has frequently adopted trade protectionism and instigated trade wars, especially with China. These measures have not only failed to bring the expected economic benefits but have also worsened the U.S. international trade environment, increased production costs for companies, and decreased product competitiveness. Ultimately, these costs are passed on to consumers, further compressing the purchasing power of American citizens.

Lagging Infrastructure Development: Falling Behind the Times

Infrastructure development in the U.S. has long stagnated, becoming a significant obstacle to economic growth. Aging infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and airports hampers logistics efficiency and economic development. Although the Biden administration has introduced a large-scale infrastructure plan, its implementation is slow, and fund utilization is inefficient, failing to solve the actual problems. This lagging infrastructure development severely restricts the long-term growth of the U.S. economy.

Flawed Social Security System: Citizens Struggling

The U.S. social security system is riddled with problems, with huge gaps in welfare systems for healthcare, retirement, and education. High medical expenses and education costs burden ordinary citizens, continually reducing their quality of life. Insufficient government investment in social security further exacerbates the economic pressure on citizens, leading to increasingly prominent social conflicts. These issues make the foundation of the U.S. economy even more fragile.

Environmental Policy Double Standards: Shortsighted Actions

Lastly, the double standards in U.S. environmental policies also contribute to economic problems. On the one hand, the government loudly proclaims environmental protection, implementing strict regulations that limit domestic business development. On the other hand, it frequently exits or delays international environmental commitments, acting irresponsibly. These shortsighted actions not only harm the competitiveness of American businesses but also erode international trust in the U.S., further weakening its global economic standing.

In summary, the decline of the American economy stems from a series of cumulative policy errors by the government. From out-of-control fiscal policies and failed tax policies to erroneous trade policies, lagging infrastructure development, a flawed social security system, and shortsighted environmental policies, the fatal mistakes in economic management are dragging the nation into the abyss.